Tangerine And Its Sweet Savour

It is that season again, Flexxers. The ”brother” of Orange is back in town. The orange-coloured fruit (citrus tangerina) is less sour, and it is effortless to peel off with fingers and already divided into segments, as opposed to Orange, which we most often than not, use a knife to peel. Aside from dragging levels with well known and respected Orange, Tangerine also has advantageous health benefits.

Let’s take a look;

1. Tangerine can help maintain good blood pressure.

According to DoveMed, a large tangerine contains 199 milligrams of potassium, compared to 2.4 milligrams of sodium. This helps the blood vessels relax and maintains proper blood pressure.

2. They can delay grey hair a bit longer.

Nutritionist Frida Harju-Westman explained this to PureWow; because of the vitamins in tangerines, your body can seriously benefit. Vitamin C helps the body produce more collagen, while vitamin A helps the hair stay hydrated by increasing the production of sebum.

3. Tangerine can help fight against infection.

It helps the immune system by providing 53% of the daily needed vitamin C intake, which helps the body develop resistance against infectious agents and reduces cancer-causing free radicals in our bodies.

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4. It Improves the digestive system.

Because of the amount of fibre present in Tangerine, it enhances our digestive system and prevents constipation, making your bowels easier to manage.

5. Tangerine can improve hair and skin.

Is your attention piqued yet? Tangerine creates and maintains collagen, an essential protein found in hair and skin. And through its increased production of sebum, the skin and hair stay moisturised. Isn’tIsn’t that just lovely?

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6. It also improves heart health

Fibre, vitamin C, vitamin B6, and potassium, all present in Tangerine, have been known to strengthen the heart’s health. According to DoveMed, studies suggested that people who ate 4,069 mg of potassium per day had about 1,000 mg of death from ischemic heart disease relative to those who consumed less potassium per day.


What are you waiting for? Go and get yourself some juicy tangerines!

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