Don’t Quit Yet: How To Relate With Difficult Clients

While working in companies or running a personal business, you at some point have to deal with clients who will not take your word for it but will want to instil theirs. After all, customers are always right. Their money their right. And then you say to your colleagues, ‘You know what? I can’t take this anymore. I’m quitting!’ Slow your roll; you can keep your job and still make your clients happy.

Let’s find out how;

1. Give A Prompt Reply

When a client comes up with a brief like the one listed above, leaving you confused as to what to do next, the solution isn’t ignoring it or simply saying it can’t be done. When you allow time go by thinking of what to do, you do not satisfy the client, neither are you helping yourself. Reply with a quick brief of your own. For example, instead of the content writer not responding at all, he could say,

CONTENT WRITER: Dear (Client name), your brief was well received, thank you very much. However, there may have been some misunderstanding over the outcome of the script. I want to call you and further discuss the brief before we proceed. Will 2 pm tomorrow suit you?

Voila. Now the client gets that you do not understand it, but you are willing to.

2. Be calm

Have you ever met a client that practically shouts in your face and tells you how incompetent you are? It is just horrible. But you cannot handle them by shouting right back in their face. One person has to be calm, so if your client isn’t, you would have to do. Besides, screaming after them does terrible for your company’s reputation or puts your job on the line.

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3. See things from their perspective

As much as you are the expert, you can’t always be right as we all sometimes tend to see things differently. View the matter from their own point of view and see how things can be managed.

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4. Figure out what the real problem is.

There is a reason your client is ranting and rejecting all your jobs. So, instead of going off about how difficult they are, you can find out what the problem is by asking specific questions that will achieve your goal.

5. Proffer a solution

When you have found out what the problem is, put forward a series of mind-blowing solutions that they (no matter how difficult they are) have no option but to choose from your genius work of art.

6. Peace offering

No one will call it ‘bribe’ if you don’t. Sometimes, some clients need a little gift to appease them. Maybe a particular project, a souvenir, Christmas presents and so on.

7. Fire that client

Oh, yes! It is allowed. There are some clients that no matter what you do, they will still try everything possible to frustrate you. Instead of allowing them to steal your joy, fire them, if you are the boss. If not, report to your superiors and let them find a way around it.


Have you ever had to deal with a difficult client? How did you handle the situation?


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