Exhausted Female University Student

All The Things University Students Are Tired of Hearing

Very few statements like “Class has been cancelled”, “send me your account number” and “the test has been postponed”, etc. make a lot of students happy. However, there are statements/questions that most students consider upsetting. You had better not say/ask the below

‘What’s your CGPA?’

The only people allowed to ask this question are your parents. Other people should mind their respective businesses.


‘I’ll be splitting you guys into groups.’

Once you hear this, know you’ll most likely be grouped with people you don’t talk to and a new WhatsApp group will be created on the spot. It’s even worse when you’re asked to start contributing money.


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‘What do you spend all your money on?’

Hearing this question after asking your parents for money can be really upsetting. How do you explain that you often spend your money on comfort food, excessive photocopies, data and occasionally, on your bae? Please just give me the money, no questions asked.


‘What are your plans after graduation?’

Let me graduate first na.


‘Are you keeping boyfriends/ girlfriends?’

I will not be bothered by people’s interest in my relationship status.


‘I don’t give my students As in this course.’

Some lectures are top-notch supervillains. Worse than Thanos.


‘You’re a big boy/ girl now o’

Haq haq haq. If only you knew.


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Attendance is compulsory.

So, I have to come all the time? Even when I’m tired, sleepy and would rather binge-watching the new Netflix show? Wawu!


‘University is not hard at all’.

Please explain why I’m always tired and I sleep for four hours?

Please explain why I’m always tired and get only four hours of sleep?

Which of these can you relate to the most?

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