These Are The Things That Are Likely “Chopping” Your Money

Money makes the world go round. That’s why it seems like the world has stopped moving and is about to come crashing down when you’re broke; you spend most of your day lamenting about your situation, thinking of all the things you could buy if you had cash. Whenever your phone beeps, you quickly check to see if it’s a credit alert.

In case you’re always wondering why your money keeps ‘disappearing mysteriously’, we’ve made a list of the top things that are probably “chopping” your money. Here you go!

1. Data

Yep. The #1 culprit. Believe it or not, you probably spend 20-30% of your income/ allowance on data. It doesn’t help that data doesn’t ever seem to last long. You watch a couple of skits and Instastories; check Twitter and maybe one or two YouTube videos and your 2 GB worth of data is down the drain. Sorry, you have to repurchase data!


2. Transport

No, we’re not talking about okadas and danfos here. We’re talking about those fancy air-conditioned cabs you order via an app. (You know the names.) We can’t complain though; they’re really helpful when you’re running late and need to get somewhere ASAP. Or when you’d rather be stuck in traffic in a spacious air-conditioned car than between two sweaty people in a hot, stuffy danfo. Not to talk of those times when you need to be at a fancy event, and you can’t risk getting your clothes all dirty. It’s easy to get so used to comfort that you suddenly find yourself taking them more often than you should. Does this sound like you? You need to slow down.

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3. Food

Those tasty burgers and fries at the new fast-food chain you eat every week. The platters at those Instagram-worthy restaurants. Plantain chips here and there. Amala from that popular joint (Ibadan we hail o). We all love some good food, don’t we? If you continuously feel the need to munch on something or you love eating out because of your ‘high taste’, you’ll find out that you’re spending way more than you should. You don’t have to eat fancy every time. There’s food at home ?


4. Weaves

There are times you’re scrolling through your Instagram feed, and you see that your favourite Instagram vendor has announced a new stock of weaves in all lengths, shapes and sizes. All of a sudden, you feel the need to buy; truth be told being a slay queen isn’t cheap. However, if you find yourself going broke every month because you’re buying a new weave now and then, you might want to reconsider your spending decisions.


5. Chillssssssss

In other words, – enjoyment. Flexing. They call you the Flexxing Flexxer. When you leave the house with your friend to get some fresh air and end up spending N8,000. BOSS! There’s the Friday night grooves, fancy pop-ups and clubs. If you live in Lagos, it’s a constant battle because there are so many cool places and new ones keep springing up. It’s good to chop life before life chops you, but what happens when life chops you because you spent all your money chopping life? Think about it. ?

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6. Other People

Do you consistently take bae out and buy him/ her gifts, even when your finances aren’t intact? Do you love buying drinks for all your friends whenever you go out? Are you always ‘dashing’ your siblings money? Congratulations, you’re a good person. You should be wise about it, though. Being a bit too generous and hurting your bank account isn’t a smart option.


Now you know why you are in an abusive relationship with money. Want some advice? Spend wisely. Look for cheaper options and exercise financial discipline. You’ll look back and be glad you did.

What do you spend most of your money on? Are there other things that didn’t make the list? Share with us!

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