Two young employees having an argument

How To Manage Conflicts With Colleagues At Work

When employees work together, they may have conflicting goals and workstyles. Because of this, conflict is a normal part of doing business.

Did you recently join an organization, unit or a team? Here are some practical tips to help you manage conflicts with your colleagues effectively (so they don’t lead to gbas gbos):

a. Address the conflict ASAP

Maybe a colleague has a habit of taking your things without permission or another colleague often talks down on your work. Don’t wait till the practice gets to you and degenerate into something terrible. Address the conflict as soon as you can.


b. Have a face-to-face conversation.

It’s so easy to choose the silent treatment when you get into an argument with a co-worker. However, it’s not the best option. Instead of letting the tension linger, call the person for an informal meeting and address the issue head-on, face to face. A face-to-face conversation is much better than doing it via mail. One can gauge the intention behind the act if there’s any.


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c. Listen.

Listen to the other person so you can understand his/ her point of view. Conversations should be two-sided so that each party can hear what the other has to say. Keep an open mind, be patient and try not to interrupt.


d. Stay calm.

This could be tough, especially when you’re filled with so much rage and all you want to do is scream and fling your laptop charger at the person.

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Tense situations tend to bring out the worst in people. However, you must remember that it is a professional environment, and your actions could affect your employment and even your career afterwards. To resolve a conflict, you must stay calm and express yourself to the other party. If you’re outraged, you can take a walk or listen to music to cool off, so you can resolve the conflict after that without going all Triple H or Hulk Hogan on your co-worker.


e. Don’t get personal.

Screaming ‘No wonder your boyfriend left you!’ or ‘That’s why you’re single and miserable!’ in the middle of an argument with a colleague is a no-no. Seriously, don’t do it, no matter how tempted you are (or how true it is). Using someone’s issues to attack them during a conflict is never a good idea. Remember, words are like eggs- once you drop them, you can’t put them back together.


f. Don’t get bitter.

You might want to vent to another co-worker to blow off some steam but make sure it doesn’t turn to office gossip. Don’t go around bad-mouthing the colleague to get others on your side and turn them against the person. This could make the workplace tenser, making it challenging to collaborate and get work done efficiently. It also makes you look bitter.


g. Involve a third party when necessary.

Unfortunately, not all conflicts can be solved as amicably as you want it. Some colleagues are too tricky to deal with, and some disputes are too delicate or intense. This is where a third party comes in (preferably the HR Manager). In the case of sexual harassment, prejudice, threats or violence, it’s best to speak to the HR personnel to solve it professionally. It doesn’t matter if people think you’re a snitch. You’re doing the right thing and ensuring that the issue(s) at hand doesn’t escalate.

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As stated earlier, conflicts are inevitable in the workplace, but with the above tips, you’ll be able to tackle them without drawing blood and getting fired. Ensure you see any conflict as a learning experience.

Have you ever gotten into a conflict with a co-worker before? How did you resolve it?

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