5 ways to maintain a peaceful state of mind

With the hustle and bustle of life, the constant worrying and nagging on how to make ends meet, it is very important to maintain a peaceful state of mind. This way, you will avoid falling into diverse disorders – like developing insomnia, having high blood pressure, getting hypertension or, worst still, falling into depression.

If you’d like to keep a peaceful state of mind, you might find some of these practices useful:

1. Stop taking everybody’s advice

Everybody has an opinion on how you should live your life. Most times, their opinions contradict each other. So, if you listen to everybody, you will end up finding yourself in a mess. To make matters worse, the people you tried to please would not think much of your efforts and would most likely leave you heartbroken.

You can take advice from a mentor or someone known to regularly dish out words of wisdom. But being always concerned about the opinion of others is a fast way to attaining an unstable mind. Filter all advice you get and only choose them because they appeal to you. Leave the world to its own opinions and you will be a step closer to maintaining a stable mind.

2. Do not forfeit resting time

Sparing time to rest after the day’s activities helps to boost your immune system and reduces the chances of inflammation and heart diseases. Whether or not you are able to execute plans for the day, take out time to rest and sleep. Sleep is known to alleviate stress and rejuvenate the body. Therefore, take time off work and let your body system reboot.

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3. Smile more often

This might sound mundane and unnecessary but studies have shown that laughing and smiling helps reduce stress. You might ask:

‘What if there’s no reason to smile?’

Then faith it until you make it. Our body language influences our emotions. A person who walks confidently will eventually feel confident. The same goes for one who laughs and smiles. The more you do, the more you begin to see the need for laughter.

Smiling will eject anxiety and depression, and replace them with happiness and hope.

4. Eat healthily

Meals rich in protein are known to release dopamine and norepinephrine into your bloodstream which improves your mood and gives energy that will last long after eating.

Junk foods and fizzy drinks on the other hand, are a different ball game. While they can be addictive, they also plummet one’s mood and state of mind. For example, an obese person who is suffering from the stigma of being fat, but still consumes burgers and drinks isn’t helping themselves. Plus, according to Rachel Kelly, the author of The Happiness Diet, eating fast foods can actually have a negative impact on your emotions. ‘Pessimism, depression, and aggression are the repercussions for lack of Omega-3 fatty acids,’ said Rachel.

Eat when you should and eat a proper meal, to help boost your immune system and develop your mood for the better.

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5. Spend time with your loved ones

Loneliness is a major and fast route towards depression. On the other hand, spending time with family and friends, people who genuinely care about your well-being, helps to lift your spirits up and puts you in a good mood. Therefore, stay close to your loved ones.

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How would you keep a stable mind? Share your opinions in the comments section.

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