3 simple sandwiches for a quick breakfast

Rushing off to work or school in the morning and would like to prepare a quick breakfast? This is for you! Yes, it’s time to shake up the regular bread and tea routine and make something more sumptuous.

See three (3) simple, easy and fast sandwiches to make:

1. Sardine and butter

Ingredients: bread, sardine, butter, cucumber

Thoroughly mix your sardine with butter. Evenly spread the mix on the bread and add some cucumbers.

It is that easy. Enjoy your breakfast and beat that traffic!

2. Egg salad

Egg salad is one easy sandwich to make
Ingredients: bread, eggs, mayonnaise or salad dressing, salt and pepper

Boil egg for five minutes. Marsh in a bowl.
Add Ingredients. Here, you can get creative and try your hands with what you have. Add mayonnaise or salad dressing, salt and pepper into a bowl and mix together.
Now that your mix is ready, spread evenly on bread and have yourself a delicious yet simple egg salad.

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3. Club sandwich

For this sandwich, you can play with your recipes, too. You will be needing boiled chopped chicken seasoned with salt and pepper, ketchup, mayonnaise, lettuce, bread, vegetable oil, cucumber and tomatoes.

Mix chicken, ketchup and mayonnaise in a bowl. Set aside.
Crack 3 eggs in another bowl, add salt and pepper, then fry it. Set aside, too.
Preheat a tablespoon of vegetable oil in a frying pan and fry the eggs. Set aside.
Spread chicken mixture on bread, add lettuce, cucumber and tomatoes, cover with another bread.
Voila, your meal is ready!

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