6 in 60 minutes

60 minutes seems like an awfully short time to get something important done, right? Well… not entirely correct. Check the super amazing six (6) things below you can get done in just 60 minutes! Here you go:

1. Say a prayer:

You really should start the day thanking God for the breath of life. So, within the next minutes, quickly say a prayer.

2. Brush your teeth and take your bath:

Like really? Yes, it made our list. Hygiene is key, and you’ve got to show the whole world that million-dollar smile of yours. Besides, you don’t want to leave home and have people look at you in a weird manner.

3. Make a delicious and quick breakfast:

Who doesn’t love food? We definitely do and here, you can see some quick breakfast options that might catch your fancy.

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4. Watch a movie trailer:

Can you remember that teaser trailer you saw about a month ago? The full trailer might be out. Go check it out on YouTube or better still, check out our top movies for March and April.

5. Do a to-do list:

Start the day with a plan of how you want the entire day to look like. That way, you will save resources and achieve more.

6. Open a Flexx Account:

Ever opened a bank account with a selfie and in just 4 MINUTES? Well, you’re just about to witness that. Find out just how cool the Flexx life is when you open your Flexx account in just 4 MINUTES! Click here to start.

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There you go! You’ve just achieved so much in 6o minutes. How much more do you think you can achieve in 60 minutes? Share with us in the comments section.

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