5 things to consider before accepting a job offer

As a young adult, you’ll feel over the moon when you get a new job. The fact that your dream employer gave you an offer can be gratifying, however, there are other things to consider before you decide the offer is worth your time and effort.

Here are 5 things to consider before saying yes to that job offer;

  1. Salary: Money should not be the main focus, but it is very important. How much money you will be taking home monthly is something you should be clear about. Ask questions around amount, allowances, benefits and sustainability before you say “Yes”.
  2. The distance: Going to work shouldn’t be like traveling. You must consider how far the distance between work and home is, then decide if it’s something you can cope with. Issues like punctuality, high monthly transportation expense, and stress must be considered.
  3. Extra benefits: What extra benefits come with the job? Benefits like your leave, pension plan, health and other extra packages that should come with a good job shouldn’t be overlooked.
  4. The company: Would the reputation of the company hurt or improve your career? What are the prospects of the company? Does it make or mar your CV? Those are important points to consider.
  5. The nature of the job: Does the job suit your lifestyle? How many hours of your time do you have to devote to work? What does the job entail?


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