How to save money towards your Masters as an Undergraduate

Education does not end after your first degree. Some students choose to go to work immediately, others opt to study another course, while some prefer to pursue their Masters degrees. Some of those who would love to pursue their Masters may not be able to afford it right after their first degree, so they have to work for some years before pursuing their masters.

If you’d like to start your MSc right after undergraduate school, here are some tips that would help you save towards it.

  1. Take advantage of student discounts: Places like the cinemas, few stores that give student discounts could help you save some small money, and little money is also money.
  2. Look for scholarship opportunities: Universities that offer scholarships for their MSc programs are also very exploitable. Use them to your advantage. Remember to do exceptionally well as an undergrad, though, to ensure your grades are good enough to apply for and get the scholarships.
  3. Buy fairly used stuff: When buying things like your laptops, phones or jewellery you may want to consider buying them fairly used, as this would help you save some money towards your goal.
  4. Find people who have done your course: So that you could borrow textbooks and materials that you need for them, instead of having to buy new ones
  5. Do side jobs while in school: Side jobs like freelance writing, selling items in school, working shifts in restaurants/eateries, lesson tutoring and so many others give you the time to concentrate on your studies, while saving money towards your Masters.
  6. Save to win millions in the #FCMBmillionairePromo: Yes! It’s true. The season 5 of our #FCMBMillionairePromo offers you the opportunity to win millions of naira without having to spend your money. Just save N10,000 in your Flexx account for a month to qualify for winning N1 million or save N50,000 in your Flexx account for a month to qualify for N2 million. Don’t have a Flexx account? Open one right here in 4 minutes to get started.
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