Meanings of NYSC acronyms and slangs

The National Youth Service Corps is a very interesting scheme, as it gives you the opportunity to meet different people from different backgrounds and cultures. It also helps you learn new things, acronyms and slangs. Did you know the meaning of these slangs and acronyms?

  1. NYSC – National Youth Service Corps
  2. PPA – Primary place of assignment: This is any organization where you have been posted to work in for the duration of the service year.
  3. Allowee: This is your monthly allowance of NGN19,800 (as of April 2018). As a corps member, you are entitled to this allowance throughout the service year.
  4. Otondo: Although the source of the word otondo isn’t really known, the name was adopted and used popularly by soldiers in camp to address new NYSC corp members who are just entering the orientation camp.  The actual meaning of the word otondo is someone that’s unsure of what to do and or someone who is new at something.
  5.  LGILocal Government Inspector: His/her job is to make sure that every Corps member is serving as he is supposed to. You have to take permissions from him/her if you won’t be attending CDS.
  6. CDS – Community Development Service: This is a day where Corps members do not go to work, as they are expected to attend meetings for their community development projects. It is a weekly activity.
  7. OBS – Orientation Broadcasting Station: This is the orientation camp’s station through which news, announcements and public comments are broadcast.
  8. Passing out: Ordinarily, one would think it means fainting, but passing out for Corps members is when they have finished the NYSC program and gotten their certificates.
  9. P.O.P – Passing out parade: This is a para-military ceremony with parades and other small activities held in all the states of the country to celebrate the rounding off of the service year by Corps members.
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