How to prepare when taking an online application/test for that dream job

These days, many organizations use modern methods to recruit new employees. The recruitment process in many cases involves a computer-based test (CBT) called Psychometric Test. A mouthful? Don’t be scared.

Psychometric tests contain analytical, verbal and quantitative questions that have to be completed within a limited timeframe. They help organizations measure your mental capabilities and behavioural style, which is considered very crucial when shortlisting potential workers. If you have an online job test to take soon, here are some steps to help you prepare.

  1. Have a strong Internet connection (hey, data is your friend, very important)
  2. Ensure your devices are fully charged or you have a reliable source of power.
  3. Ensure you’re well-read and versed. Also, read up about the company and get past or sample questions if possible.
  4. Make sure you have necessary documents: You might be required to upload them before or after the test.
  5. When you have started the assessment proper, ensure you ensure you read and understand the questions properly, so that you can give appropriate responses.
  6. Never allow a question throw you into panic mode. Be calm and focused on solving the questions presented, if you encounter a difficult question, in some cases, you can leave it to answer other questions and come back to it.
  7. Be time conscious and ensure you manage the time allotted to you effectively, as most CBT tests are highly time-bound.


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