Want that job? Then don’t say any of these things during your interview.

Hey Flexxer, the job hunt process can be stressful but we’re sure that after getting the best of tips in our #FlexxCareerSeries, it’ll be a breeze for you.

When you finally get to the interview stage, there are some things you shouldn’t say so as to not put off the recruiters or give them a negative impression about you. We’ve compiled a couple of them for you.

  • “What’s your company about?”: It is important that you research about the company you’re applying for before the interview so asking what they do is a sign that you didn’t research and you’re not really interested in the.
  • “My previous job was terrible, I didn’t get along with my boss or co-workers…”: Never speak ill of your previous or current place of work. It is not a good look and your recruiters might know someone there.
  • “Sorry, I’m late”: Don’t be late for any interview, find out the venue days before the interview and leave your house early enough after factoring in traffic and other circumstances so as to get there as least 30 minutes early.
  •  “I don’t know”: Instead of saying I don’t know which is a total turn off, you can say ‘ I have limited knowledge of this at the moment but I do know that…’
  • “The answer to that question is on my resume”: Of course the answer is on your resume but a recruiter is looking at more than your resume during an interview, they’re checking your communication skills as well as your attitude. This is your moment to shine and impress them.
  • “I can do anything”: No you can’t, unless its a very informal setting, you really can’t do anything at a workplace. If the vacancy isn’t clear from the job posting, simply state your skills, strength and the positions you can undertake in the organization.
  • “No, I don’t have any questions”: The rule of thumb is to always have at least 1 to 3 questions that you will ask the recruiters during your interview especially when they ask if you have any questions. saying you don’t have any questions might give off the vibe that you’re not really interested in the job.
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Got other things people shouldn’t say during interviews? Share with us.

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