Before internet became mainstream, the TV was our best companion and these shows we watched growing up were our pastime. We would always scamper to the living room whenever it is showing time. Do you remember these?
Super story:

Via Pulse
This is so not forgettable, with the first season of “Oh Father oh Daughter!” Super story stole our hearts forever. It was always aired on Thursdays by 8p.m on NTA then but it shows on a couple of other stations now.
Papa Ajasco and company:

Via TheNet
Talk about fun times and Papa Ajasco is right at the top. Produced by Wale Adenuga, the TV series was a hit back then with the hilarious Papa Ajasco and his family and friends. Who remembers *ojigbijigbijigbi*?
I Need To Know:

Via OMGVoice
This show was and is one of the most educative TV shows in Nigeria. It was shown on NTA then and was a UNFPA programme in conjunction with the Federal Government that educated and informed everyone on adolescent health issues, AIDS and teenage pregnancy. Funke Akindele came into limelight from this show.

Via Pointblankmc
Family circle: Family Circle was always a pleasure to watch then, the sweet family of 4 had ups and downs and conquered all with love and communication. It was such an educative show and featured Norbert Young as the father, Ronnie Dikko (mother), Bolaji and Aisha Allison as the children.
Everyday people:

Via TheNet
Everyday People was a fun show that focused on the daily lives of different families in an urban society. The show was packed with comedy, suspense and a memorable soundtrack that we all loved to sing.
Fuji house of commotion:

Via OMGVoice
This show was responsible for so many happy moments in our childhood, it was so funny with Chief Tajudeen Fuji, Caro, Ireti, Peace, Kunbi and their horde of children.
Which of the shows was your favourite?
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