Facts to know before POP

As the NYSC service rounds up, and everyone gets closer to the final Passing Out Parade (POP), there are a few things every Corper starts or should start to worry about. I would be sharing a few of the most common ones.

The first and most important is the Legendary CDS Card. During your months as a Corper, this card is meant to be signed every week and should not have an empty space at the end of your service year. If it does, it’s either of two things, you would have an extension of your service year, or you would need to appreciate your LGI. What does appreciation mean? It’s in actual fact, a subtle term for bribery. Appreciation is giving thanks in advance. In this context, it literally means bribing the LGI with a token for the signatures she would yet sign. It’s wrong, but it usually seems very legal on that final clearance day.

Next thing, this doesn’t happen in all states, but it does happen in most of the states in Nigeria. Corpers are asked to provide a bank statement of account for the last one year. How and why is this necessary? This is because they want to ensure the Corper never left his assigned state without due permission. So, some Corpers want to turn to IT hackers overnight to erase records that show their ATM Cards were used in other states.

Another worry that never used to be so major, but has become a big issue these days is ID Cards. I am not talking about missing ID Cards though. For some weird reasons, Corpers have an ability to keep their ID Cards till the end of their service year, but they can lose 5 ATM cards in the same time frame, I still don’t get it. The ID Cards for POP (Passing Out Parade) have to be one from the State you are passing out from. This is a major issue nowadays because all these new generation corpers ensure they “work” or influence the initial state they are posted to another one they like. However, these Corpers never collect the new ID card, because they are either plain lazy, or it isn’t ready.

Next, the big questions! Who’s going to be jobless in a few days & Who’s going to get retained? This is the period where almost every Corper’s browser tabs reads “Graduate Trainee” and “Graduate Internship”. Personally, I think this search should start months earlier to reduce the pressure and urgency. This is also when everyone in the CDS starts “famzing” the corpers who work in recruitment firms.

Lastly, this just had to enter the list. This is the time when boys become bold and even some girls get bold on behalf of shy and timid guys. You have been “eyeing” somebody for 8 months and still haven’t said hi. Even if you were summoning courage, by now, it should be fully summoned. Some ladies don’t even want to know at this point if you are ready or not, they would help you do the job.

In all, the NYSC Service year is one full of so many stories and lessons. Amazing season to meet new people, have new experiences, and prepare for the kind of future you want to build.


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