Travel suitcase and medical mask.

Going on A Trip? Take These Items with You!

Whether you’re travelling for business or pleasure, trying to fit in everything for your trip could get tiring, especially when you have to ensure you leave nothing out.

To ensure you enjoy your trip, here are some items you should take along with you.

A Travel Pillow

Sleeping on an aeroplane during a long flight definitely counts as one of the most uncomfortable things ever. Luckily, you can get a comfy travel pillow to ensure you sleep better and don’t have to deal with an annoying headache or neck pain afterwards.

Hand Sanitizer

This is a no-brainer. With the presence of Coronavirus, hand sanitizers are a must-have on your trip. Aeroplanes and airports aren’t that clean, so you need to ensure you stay germ-free, especially after hand contact with surfaces, objects and other hands.

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Face Mask

This is another must-have for your trip. Face masks are very important, as they protect you—and others as well—from droplets that could be infected,

A Camera

Phone cameras are getting sharper and clearer but there’s something about holding and taking pictures with a camera that makes you feel like a professional photographer. You can take cool shots of your destination- the buildings, landscapes, historical landmarks and the people (with their permission, of course). If you can afford to get a camera, you should.

Noise-Cancelling Headphones

Want to zone out, concentrate or get some ‘shut-eye’ on your trip? Get noise-cancelling headphones. Period.

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A Travel Iron

With a travel iron, you can smoothen out a clothing item that’s been wrinkled in transit or straighten that outfit you forgot to iron before your departure. This is a travel essential that always comes in handy. Always.

Packing Cubes

Packing cubes come in different sizes and they ensure you stay organized and help you section your outfits, so you never have to worry about scattered clothes or rummaging through your luggage, in search of an item. If you’ve always had issues with staying organized when packing, these cubes will come to your rescue.

Moisturizing Mask

If you’re big on skincare (which you should be, ideally), you’ll need this. It helps to ensure that your skin stays hydrated and moisturized, no matter how dry it gets on the flight.
A Battery Pack/ Solar Charger/ Travel Charger
This is a no-brainer, isn’t it? To ensure you never run out of ‘juice’ while you’re on the move, a portable battery pack, solar-powered charger or travel charger will come in handy.

A Portable Hair Dryer

Let’s say you went for a relaxing swim in the pool and you needed to attend an event later, how would you handle your wet hair? A portable hairdryer, dear.

A Wallet/ Folder For Your Documents

If you’re a bit forgetful or super organized, this will help to ensure that all your important travel documents are kept safe in one place.

Luggage Tags

The last thing you want to deal with after a long flight is lost luggage, especially if you’re travelling with multiple bags. Tag all your bags to ensure you can identify them, especially if there are passengers with similar travel bags.

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Have a safe and smooth trip!

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