Quitting job concept. Unrecognizable African American employee with box of his belongings at office.

You Might Be Due For A Job Switch If You’ve Noticed These Signs

You Might Be Due For A Job Switch If You’ve Noticed These Signs (9MOBILE 34420 88922 87125)

Leaving a job for another is a pretty big decision to make, especially during such a time as this. It’s essential to consider different factors and weigh different options so you can ensure that you make a decision that doesn’t end in regret.

If you are experiencing or noticing any of the following signs, you might be due for a job switch.

A Toxic Work Environment


A toxic work environment could leave you feeling burned out, exhausted and miserable. It could also impair your work performance.

If you’re always under undue pressure, walking on eggshells, experiencing derogatory treatment and dealing with office politics or tyrannical leadership, it would be to speak to the Human Resources Manager. If the situation persists, you might need to consider getting a new job before things get worse.

There’s No Room for Growth and Advancement

Ladder career path for business growth success process concept.

Your job should prioritize your professional growth while providing opportunities and an enabling environment to help you advance.

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Evaluate your progress in the last few months by asking specific questions: Have you made any progress? Have you faced any new challenges that have helped you learn? Do you have new responsibilities that have helped you adapt to the growth in your industry? If your answers are mostly negative, it might be time to consider leaving for a better job.

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You Feel Trapped


If your employers continuously make subtle threats about employees who want to leave,  telling you to be grateful for your job because there are no other options out there, or even worse, blackmailing you, it might be time to leave.

Also, if you feel trapped because you’re too afraid to speak up, give your opinions or get permission, it’s advisable to devise an exit strategy as soon as possible.

There’s Constant Restructuring

Dismissed sad character holding paper box and leaving her office. Work crisis.

If there are severe management issues that have led to numerous restructuring and reshuffling, it could be a sign that you might need to leave soon. While restructuring isn’t a bad thing, it could be a sign of leadership issues if it occurs way too often. This could affect the working environment and lead to discouragement, which could hamper your performance. MTN- 8912 3362 5400 79350

Your Health Is Being Impacted

Detail of male hands in business suit and taking a medicine pill with water while sitting behind desk at work with computer

If work is beginning to take a significant toll on your mental and physical health, it’s a sign that you need to leave. You might find yourself feeling overly anxious, depressed, stressed, weary and even depending on medication to help you get through each day.

Your health is a major priority, so it’s vital to preserve it, even if it means moving on to another job.

You’re Stressed All The Time

Worried young businesswoman at corridor office

All jobs have stressful periods- during campaigns, projects and tight deadlines, amongst others. However, if your job is always making you stressed out and fatigued, it might be time for a change.

Stress could make you lose sleep, develop an irregular appetite and even cause you to pick up bad habits such as drinking excessively or taking too much caffeine to get by.

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You Are Not Valued

Exhausted young employee working with laptop in office, touching his forehead.

Good companies make every employee feel seen, heard and valued. If you notice that your company doesn’t acknowledge your efforts, you have no control over your work, or you are continually being undermined without any opportunity to speak up for yourself, it might be a sign that you are not valued. It’s time to consider other job opportunities.

Note: While these are signs that you are due for a job change, your decision should be based on your discretion and your personal experience.

Also, it’s essential to be strategic when planning your exit. Pro tip– It’s best to leave your job when you have a job offer already.

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