
Entrepreneurship Ethics: Follow Trends But Don’t Lose Face

Social media has made advertising very interesting, causing both big companies and startups to latch on trends circulating among internet users, in the hopes of gaining more consumers for their brand. While this is a beautiful marketing strategy, not all trends work for every brand.

In order not to lose face or vision and suffer a backlash from social media for the wrong use of a trend or displaying insensitivity to a trending matter, you must as a company or a startup take note of the following steps;

1. Cautiously assess any new trend


According to Entrepreneur, while it may not be clear how trends will affect your business when they first emerge, it is still important to be aware of and evaluate each one. You obviously do not want to miss an opportunity to capitalise on one good for your brand. Which brings us to the question you have to answer as an entrepreneur. Does it affect your overall industry or only a handful of your competitors? Has it taken root in other industries as well? Next, see how your company can latch on it and maximize its use.

2. Maintain your vision

losing face

Do not go wherever the wind takes you. Instead, stir your boat towards the right destination. This means that a trend should not change the vision of your business. How does a trend connect to the service you are rendering to people? If you keep jumping on every trend because the social media folks are all on it and your target market is right there, you might lose focus, causing potential customers to see you as confused and without aim.

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3. Target the right audience

Entrepreneurship ethics

Again, you do not need to jump on every trend. Evaluate only the ones where your target audience can be found. Do not go joining a trend on social media in which you have no business being in unless you are ready to suffer a probable backlash. Internet users can be very brutal in their criticism, especially Twitter users and can either make or break your brand.

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4. Be sensitive to a cause

Don't lose face

Take, for example, the COVID-19 pandemic, many brands latched on to it and the companies with good deliverables, showing empathy towards the cause, not only gained popularity but also increased their profit margin. Despite the loss of business for some companies, some others were able to use it to their advantage without coming off as insensitive.

5. Adjust with your customers

Entrepreneurship ethics

What you knew about your customers a year ago, is not the same thing in the present day. Assuming you know all there is to know about your customers can lead to a costly mistake. But knowing your customer is crucial to ensuring that your brand really interacts with the public, and that will only become more important when you consider adapting to certain trends. Knowing your customers’ new interest can help tell which trends are worth addressing and how to make adjustments to meet those trends.

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