The Right Attitude To Making It In 2020

Beyond writing goals and outlining ways to achieve them this year, it’s important that you have the right attitude that will help you reinvent yourself and motivate you well enough to smash the set goals.

Wondering what these attitudes should be? Take a look!

1. Don’t look back

Do not dwell on the mistakes you made in the year 2019. It’s understandable that you probably do as much as expected in 2019. Regardless, that shouldn’t stop you from trying again and breaking new grounds. Learn your lessons and move on.

2. Focus on 2020

Telling you not to look back on the things you had done wrong in the previous year, is easier said than done. However, don’t hold on to terrible experiences that will deter you from growing. In order to cross that phase of letting go and not looking back, you need to focus on what is ahead of you- which is the year 2020. Focus on dreams and goals for the new year; focus on meeting your financial targets and other more important things.

3. Get busy

There is a lot that can be achieved in twelve months. Broaden your scope and think of the bigger picture. Develop yourself and be involved in activities that would steer you closer to your dreams.

4. Write out your plans daily

Do you finally have a plan? Good. But you are not going to be rushing out every day, forming activities, worrying and complaining about how you are going to achieve them all in such short a time. Before you begin each day, write out your plans for the day and follow them to the latter, only deviating when it’s of utmost necessity.

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5. Be ready for opportunities

Don’t sit around waiting for life to happen to you. Whether academically, climbing further on the career ladder, saving or starting a business and the likes of it, just make sure you are preparing for the opportunities that will sooner or later meet with you.

6. Control your reactions

Along the way, there will be people and obstacles to provoke the living daylight out of you. Where you can’t control their actions towards you, you can definitely control how you react to them. Do not let others attitude or bad behaviour ruin your chances for a better future.

7. Be optimistic

Just like we have people with bad attitudes, we also have pessimistic ones. The ones who’d tell you your ideas are wack or not doable. The ones that are sure you will fail. Remember they were the same ones available in 2019. To uphold the right attitude to success this year, you have to do away with pessimism and embrace optimism.

8. Hang around positive people

Stay away from ‘Killjoys’. Forbes, in an article, said; Optimism is contagious. When you surround yourself with optimistic people, positivity rubs off.

What other attitude do you think you need to succeed in 2020? Don’t forget to leave a comment.


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