Etiquette To Avoiding ‘See Finish’ While Networking

You want to network with like-minded people or people with higher standards? Brilliant! But where do you draw the line between a good network and “see-finish”? You know what that term means, right? It occurs when you lose respect and value to the person you are trying to impress. You have either gone overboard or done too little.

How do you avoid “see-finish”, then?

1. Two Missed Calls Are Enough.

Unless you suspect he/she has gone missing, don’t call more than twice at a time, it can be really irritating, especially when they are genuinely busy.

2. They Are Not Father Christmas.

Stop expecting them to relieve you of anything you borrowed from them, even if it is an umbrella or pen. Return it before you are asked. That way, you show integrity and character.

3. It’s Networking, Not A “Free Meal Day”.

Don’t go ordering the most expensive meal on the menu when you know they are the ones paying the bill.

4. You Are Not An FBI Agent.

Don’t ask awkward questions like ‘Oh so you aren’t married yet?’ Or ‘Don’t you have kids’ or ‘Why didn’t you buy a house?’ Or why don’t you buy a car? Haba! It is not your problem.

5. Be Proactive.

If you take a taxi with a friend and he/she pays now, try paying next time. Open the door for the person coming behind you. It doesn’t matter if it is a guy or a lady, younger or older. Think ahead about how you can make little things easier for them.

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6. It Is Not A Debate.

Never interrupt while they are talking. As they say, ‘hear them all and filter them all’. Respect opinions even if it differs from your own and when you have to argue, do it intelligently.

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7. If Your Joke Is Wack, Keep It To Yourself.

If you tease potential business partners and they don’t seem to enjoy it, stop it.

8. Be Grateful.

Say ‘thank you’ for any favour done on your behalf, no matter how little.

9. Give Compliments.

“You look pleasant.” That’s a good enough compliment. There’s almost never a reason to comment on someone’s weight unless you’re tired of that relationship. If they want to talk about losing or adding weight, they will in their own time.

10. You Are Not Snoop Dogg.

When someone shows you a photo on their phone or laptop, don’t swipe left or right. You never know what’s next. Respect their privacy. Do not snoop on their personal devices.

11. Treat Everyone Else With Respect.

Your respect should not be limited to only those you are networking with. Treat the cleaner with the same respect as the CEO. Nobody is impressed at how rude you treat others beneath you, but they will notice how you respect them.

12. Avoid Being Rude.

Take off your sunglasses so you can make eye contact and don’t stare down at your phone when being spoken to. That WhatsApp chat can wait.

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Have you ever experienced “see-finish” while you thought you were networking? Share your experience with us.

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