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Tips For Staying Safe During Service Year

In the wake of some tragic incidents involving serving members of the National Youth Service Corps, concerns have been raised about the security and safety of corps members. While we pray for the departed souls to rest in peace, see tips to staying safe during the service year.

a. Do not travel without authorisation

If you love breaking the rules, you should tread softly during your service year. One of the NYSC rules states that corps members who intend to travel should get official authorisation before doing so. You are to write a letter to the Zonal Inspector through your Local Government Inspector. It might seem like a long and unnecessary process worthy of an eye-roll but trust us, it’s in your best interest.


b. Inform friends and family before travelling

If you need to travel to another state or destination during your service year, you must inform your friends or family members. This is to ensure that they are aware of your whereabouts.


c. Avoid riots and dangerous places

Be safety conscious. As much as possible, stay away from dangerous areas, situations that are known for criminal activities. It is crucial, especially if you’ve been posted to a state you’re not familiar with.


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d. Don’t go out alone at night

Going out at night without being accompanied by someone is very risky, especially with the rise of kidnappers. This is even more important if you’ve been posted to a state other than your home state.

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e. Be cautious of the company you keep

No, your parents aren’t writing this article. We know you’ve heard it a thousand times already, but we can’t stress this enough. There are so many people from different backgrounds with different motives, so it’s advisable to keep the right company.


If you just commenced your service year or you’re close to rounding off, it’s essential to take note of these tips, so you can have a memorable service year before hanging up your boots. Have a great service year!

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