7 Things to do before the year wraps up

7 Things to do before the year wraps up.

What are you most excited about in the New Year? A new car, a new job or even a new city? Whatever it might be, it is important to look back on the year that was so that you can set the tone for the New Year by getting rid of the old to welcome the new.

So, as you envision yourself living your best life in 2024, grab your journal and let’s do some personal evaluation to make the last month of 2023 count and begin 2024 on a great note.

  • Review your year financially. How did your finances fare in the year? Did you explore new avenues to create income? Were you prudent or did you spend a lot on frivolities? Take inventory of where your money went in the course of the year, then make a plan/budget for how to get better with your income in the New Year.
  • Review your personal and professional goals. Before you write new goals for the incoming year, track the goals you set out to achieve for the past year. Were they achieved? If no, what were the excuses you gave yourself as to why it couldn’t be done? Identify the areas you need improvement and then map out a plan on how to get better and achieve your goals in the New Year.
  • Take stock of your friendships/relationships. Your friendships/relationships play a significant role in your growth. Who were the people who made your life easier/better in the year? Send them a ‘thank you’ note/gift for their presence. If you didn’t make any valuable connections this year, be intentional about how you intend to form new relationships in the coming year.
  • Deep clean your room/apartment. Get rid of things and clothes that you haven’t worn in years and give them out for donation. Clutter clogs up your space and your mind. It’ll amaze you how therapeutic a clean/clear space will do wonders for your mind and body.
  • Update your CV. Whatever skills you learned, the certification you obtained, responsibilities you picked up at work or even a new role you landed should go up on your CV. Whether you’re actively job searching or not, it’s best to stay updated and prepared for the new opportunities that will come your way in the New Year.
  • Clean out your phone. Contacts, media, screens etc. that you do not need should not take up space on your phone.
  • Write a gratitude list. Quite a lot can happen in 365 days, and it’s only normal that we forget about the things that happened to us in the course of the year. List out all that you’re grateful for that happened to you in the year and you’ll realize you’re a lot more blessed than you realise.
  • Schedule a meeting with a mentor. Set a meeting with a mentor or leader who will help you gain clarity with your goals and serve as a compass for your growth in the New Year.
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