How To Make The Second Half Of The Year Better

How To Make The Second Half Of The Year Better

Time indeed waits for no one because how is it possible that we’re already in the second half of 2023? For some people, the second half represents a period to put in more effort. While for others, it’s another opportunity to get serious about their goals. This is so because even though the year started with lots of expectations and determination to achieve our goals, sometimes, life happens or we simply get distracted and our productivity is on a decline.

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Regardless though, we have 6 months left in the year to create a successful 2023 and these are some ways to ensure you finish the year strong as far as you’re ready to put in the work.

  • First of all, you need to realize you’re the most important person in your life, therefore, every commitment you make to yourself has to be honoured, if not, you will get comfortable with disappointing yourself. Remember why the goals were important for you to achieve in the first place and get back on track. If you need to paste your goals on the wall to be reminded every time you look at it, do so!
  • Next, get a pen and notebook to journal your thoughts and actions so far – after all, the dullest pencil is better than the sharpest memory.  You need to identify the habits/actions that hindered you from making progress in the first half of the year. Did you fail to have a budget to curb your spending habits? Were you limited by your mindset? Identify the habits that didn’t help you grow, unlearn them and then develop tactics to get you to your goals faster.
  • Then, you need an action plan. This will help you mentally prepare and map out the steps needed to achieve your goals. For example, if you want a new job, a good plan would be to review and adjust your CV to your preferred industry standard, apply to job positions daily, learn important skills, and network online and offline with people who have the role you want and learn from them, etc. And repeat till you get what you want.
  • A major aspect of achieving your goals is preparation. “Luck” is what happens when opportunities meet preparation. If your goal is to vacation abroad, for instance, ensure you prepare first by having an international passport and learning about the country you intend to visit. “Luck” just may shine on you with a sponsored trip. 😉
  • Getting an accountability partner on your journey to achieving your goals is a no-brainer. Have people that have goals that you can hold each other accountable for progress, and nudge when you’re slacking off.
  • Your current goal is someone else’s old achievement. Connect with the people who have made the successes you’re aiming to achieve; learn from their experience so that you do not make the same mistakes they did.
  • On a final note, it’s not too late to turn things around. Think of a football match. It doesn’t matter if the team started off the match badly in the first half as long as they win in the second half. As long as you’re willing to give it your best shot, the year is yours for the taking!
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Cheers to your success!

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