Remember those times when you wanted to run away to start a new life because you were too embarrassed, scared or upset to go back home to your parents? Well, we’ve all been there at some point (unless you were a perfect child.)
Let’s go back in time to revisit eight of those moments.
When you got a bad school result
What’s worse than getting bad grades at school? Going home with the report card. If you ever had to deal with this, you can probably attest to the fact that you had to think of all the multiple consequences you would face and come up with an escape plan.
When you crashed your parents’ car
Remember when you took your parents ’ car out for a spin without permission, only for you to crash it in the process? You thought of a million ways to escape your parents’ wrath.
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When you spent your parents’ change
Your parents gave you money to buy something and you ended up spending the change on your crush or some biscuits. It was a risk you took on a whim, without thinking of the consequences.
When you went out past your curfew
Remember when you were out with your friends, having such a good time that you forgot you were supposed to be home at a certain time? You immediately started rehearsing all kinds of excuses in your head.
When you saw multiple missed calls from your parents
Parents HATE it when you miss their calls because they believe that most of the time, you’re pressing your phone. If you’ve ever been so carried away that you missed your parents’ calls, you’ve probably considered not going back home because you didn’t know what type of wrath awaited you.
When your parents told you they were waiting for you
There’s nothing scarier than getting a phone call or message from your parents telling you that they were waiting for you to come home. Did they see something in your room that they weren’t supposed to see? Did they uncover one of your dirtiest secrets? What kind of trouble have you gotten into?
When you fought your parents
You had a huge argument with your parents and you decided you were going to run away and never turn back. However, you remembered you had no money, no food and no chance of surviving on the streets, so you swallowed your pride and went back home.
When you got in trouble at school
Your teacher or principal called your parents to report you for misbehaving at school and you immediately knew you were in serious kasala. You were so scared that you started wondering which of your friends’ parents would be willing to adopt you.
Do you remember a time in your life when you were too scared to go back home? Share your experience(s) with us in the comment section!
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