A male lecturer smiling and standing next to an electric teaching board

Eight Types of Lecturers Every Student Loves

There are certain types of lecturers that we just can’t help but love because of the unique characteristics that make them special.

Here are eight of them:

The Funny Ones

Students love these lecturers because they tell the funniest jokes that make lectures lively. Sometimes, these lectures are unintentionally funny. Their facial expressions and mannerisms just crack you up.

The Storytellers

These types of lecturers always punctuate their lectures with stories and tales. You can’t always tell if the stories are true or exaggerated, but what matters is that they are often interesting, and they make you pay more attention during lectures. They also make it easier to remember what was taught because the stories evoke memories.

The Ones That Keep to Time

They never extend their lecture periods. Once the time for the lecture is over, they pack their things and say goodbye. 😂

The Friendly Ones

You can walk up to them, ask them questions or gist with them, without feeling afraid or intimidated. There are healthy boundaries in place, of course, but you feel comfortable around these lecturers.

The Ones That Give ‘Areas of Concentration’

They know that you’ve covered a lot of coursework over the duration of the semester, so they tell you what topics to focus on while studying. Amazing people.

The Ones That Actually Teach

They are very passionate about lecturing and they break each topic down so that everyone can understand. They are always patient to answer questions and they even use unconventional and practical methods to explain what they teach.

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The Fashionable Ones

They always look dapper and stylish. Everyone looks forward to their lectures because they can’t wait to see what outfit they pull off next.

The Ones That Give Advice

They give words of wisdom and advice on how to get ahead in your academic and extracurricular life. You can always approach them when you need help and guidance because they’ll be there for you. Sweet people.

What other types of lecturers do you love? Let us know in the comment section below!

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