
Find Out If You Still Want A Roommate Or Will Live Alone

When Jennifer and Funmi were happily joining their salaries to rent a mini flat on the mainland of Lagos State, they believed becoming roommates was their smartest decisions until they began to discover they couldn’t tolerate each other’s flaws.

But that was not the case for Bosco and Jidechi. These two became inseparable and truly loved being roommates, finishing the other’s sentences and covering flaws. So, why was the outcome of the two scenarios different?

You can say different strokes for different folks. If you are in a hurry to leave your parent’s house and exercise your freedom but can’t afford your rent alone and are thinking of a roommate, you should at least know what you are in for. It could be fun or just as quickly become a disaster.

Find out if you still want a roommate from confessions of people who have had the experience;

Jennifer, 19

I am tired. I live in a self-contain with my friend off-campus and she’s the true definition of a sluggard. I came back from class one day and hurried to use the toilet only to find a big lump of shit staring back at me. Haba na. I’m even tired of the friendship sef.

Florence, 25

We started living together from our University days. It wasn’t easy at first as we were always quarrelling about whose turn it was to cook. We eventually learned to understand each other and even after school, we are still living together. We are best of friends.

Funmi, 22

I can’t really say. We mind our businesses. We rented a two-bedroom flat, so we don’t encroach on each other’s space. We share the bathroom and kitchen but cook separately and respect the other’s privacy.

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Tomiwa, 25

He plays games all day and never has money to pay the rent. I’ve been looking for a way to kick him out and bring in someone else.

Kevin, 24

He is too clean. I cannot breathe in peace. ‘Don’t drop this here. Don’t drop that there’, but I learned to understand him. After all, cleanliness no dey kill. He’s actually teaching me to be better organized.

Chika, 29

He’s not bad. The only problem I have with him is the extra baggage. Today, his friend needs a place to crash for the night, which automatically becomes roommate number two. Tomorrow, it’s his younger brother who came to the city to write POST JAMB but wouldn’t return home even after failing. We are currently 5 in a one-bedroom flat and only two of us pays rent.

Rukky, 26

She is my gist partner. We stay up late gisting about the latest slay queen or big boy. We quarrel but we always make up that same day. She’s like the sister I never had.

Awww…so cute. So, what do you think? Do you still want a roommate?

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