Nigerian nurses

7 Characters To Expect From Nigerian Nurses

7 Characters To Expect From Nigerian Nurses (AIRTEL 0680 5635 0055 3183)

Have you met some Nigerian nurses? Kudos to all their efforts to help make better the health department, but we cannot help but notice some of their characters.

While we have the professionals, our favourite, ever-smiling nurses, we have the n0-nonsense ones, the comedians, and a couple more.

When you visit a hospital in Nigeria, you are bound to meet some with these characters;

1. The Stone-cold


They never smile. They come in looking like Hitler, ready to shoot that needle up your butt with no pity or comforting words. These kinds can actually make you shiver.

2. The Tweeter


There is always a story to tell. They will tell you about the married woman diagnosed with an STD or the young man who ran out of the hospital without paying his bills. If you like gossip, you will like them.

3. The Lovey-Dovey


They are one of the best kinds. They are always smiling, treating you like a baby or royalty, asking you if it hurts and if you’d like a drink.

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4. The rude one


Even if patients were panicking, they are the type to say ‘All die na die’ and they will take their precious time before attending to you. They will snap and tell you how the hospital is not a market place and you must wait your turn.

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5. The pricer


Oh, yes. If you haven’t met them yet, then you do not know ‘what’s up’. They can tell you your bill is N7,000 and by the time you haggle back and forth, you can with some luck reduce it to N3, 000. Just like any local market in Nigeria.

6. The Adviser


They will treat you well, but they will also make it their life’s mission to set your path straight in life. By the time they are done with you, you will not return to that hospital with the same ailment.

7. The loud one


From the waiting area, with no consideration to all the other patients sitting about, they will ask you about your condition and when you try to lower your voice, they will impatiently ask you to speak up.

Interested in more? Check this video out;

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