Class of 2020 Graduation Cap

Class of 2020, What’s Good?

Class of 2020, we know that dealing with final year coursework and programs amidst a global pandemic is not what you signed up for. 2020 has been a pretty weird year and so much has happened so far, the year will go down as one of the most monumental years in history. Whoever wrote the ‘script’ for the year clearly included too many twists, turns and plot holes.

So many activities have been halted, while others have had to take place virtually, from exams to your project defence. Some things feel hung in the balance, like what your graduation will feel like and whether or not you’ll get to enjoy all the cool graduation parties like previous graduating sets did. It’s understandable; we’re living in a pretty strange era.

It’s normal to feel apprehensive and worried about a lot of things because there are quite several uncertainties.

However, we’d love to give you some advice to help you get through this period:

Don’t Give Up


Yeah, we know this sounds cliche´ and eye-roll worthy, but it’s so important. Try to avoid leaving things up to chance and resigning to fate. There will be good and bad days but what matters is that you continue to push through irrespective of the situation. Don’t give up on reading and studying or putting those goals together. The current reality might look bad, but in time, it will get better.

Prioritize Your Sanity


It’s super easy to let the current situation overwhelm you to the point where it begins to affect your mental health. Breathe. Take out time to do things that make you happy and provide you with a healthy distraction. Connect with family and friends and reach out when you need encouragement. You’re not alone in this.

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Build Yourself Up

Arrows to describe improvement

It’s not a bad idea to start seeking ways to fill knowledge gaps. What are the skills you might need in your desired career? You can start working towards building them up, little by little. It’s essential to start at your own pace, so you don’t put yourself under so much stress.

Make The Best Out of The Situation


Determine to find ways to make yourself feel better about the situation. Reward yourself after reading and writing exams. Call your friends and encourage each other. If your school eventually opts for a virtual graduation ceremony, decide to make it unique. Dress up in your best clothes, have a virtual graduation party with your friends and more. Make yourself feel good, no matter what.

Don’t Be Afraid to Explore Opportunities.

Taking decisions for the future child standing with many direction arrow choices, left, right or move forward

Planning might seem pointless, but there’s no harm in doing so. Keep networking, searching for scholarship opportunities and employment openings as well. You can decide to focus on short-term plans for now rather than worrying and obsessing over the long-term ones.
Do you have any advice for the Class of 2020? Feel free to share them in the comments section below!

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