fun centres

The Best Fun Centres We Have For Now

Usually, when we mention fun centres, what comes to mind are the pools, cinemas, beaches, bars, clubs, owambes, celebrity weddings and others like it. But, with the present COVID-19 situation still on the ground, these places are not the best option.

Does this mean we should throw fun out the window? Of course not. There are still fun activities we can indulge in whether we take advantage of the light release on the lockdown or we choose to remain indoors.

Here are some of the best fun centres for now;

1. Indoor Movieland


Do you miss the cinemas? That’s okay. Close the window blinds or drop the thick curtains to keep the light out. Order some popcorn or fry yourself some chips, dodo or prawns. Next, you get your dark shades and perch in front of your big-screen TV. There you have it. Your very own mini-cinema. Now you can watch as many movies on Netflix, DSTV, Iroko TV, as you like.

2. Beaching on the porch or veranda


Drag out a preferably blue extra large nylon (to create a blue sea effect). Next, you bring your folding chair and lay on it. If that’s not enough, you can fill up a bath with cool water and lounge in it. This way, you give off a ‘chilling at the beach’ look.

3. In-house Buka


Let’s get cooking! Bring out the spices, order the ingredients, wash the pots and pans and get busy in the kitchen. What did you like to have at your favourite restaurant? Lebanese bread? That’s okay. Heat the oven and get that recipe book. Don’t worry, you will be the judge of your cooking. And if the taste doesn’t turn out great, you can still snap your banquet and upload on Instagram.

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4. Online Dating

fun centres

Of course, you want to go out on dates. You want to see the romantic side of him. You can have that date pending when you can go out to have fun. All you need to do is set up your meal on a nice table, put a rose by its side and get your video chat. Your partner on the other side of the chat should have his settings too. Make a toast and let the dating begin.

5. Hangout via video chat


Do you miss hanging out and laughing with your friends? It does not have to stop. All you need is data to call them on a conference call. Video chat and have all your gossips and a good laugh.

6. Go A’ Strolling


Come on, we all need fresh air and sunlight. With the lockdown relaxed a bit, you can take a walk and go sightseeing. Just remember to go with your face mask and stay clear people, so that you don’t contact the coronavirus.

7. Games Arena


Normally, you and the guys would go out to game centres to have fun, but that has to be on hold for the time being. What you can do is play that Ps4 at home and if you do not have that, go online and find yourself some interesting games.

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