
Dealing With Unemployment Anxiety In The Aftermath Of The Pandemic

When this pandemic is over, some people might be unemployed; employers will be forced to downsize or find ways to cut cost. This is because of the loss of revenue, especially for businesses that could not be managed online.

This can cause a lot of panic, anxiousness and anxiety for employees who do not yet know their fate, neither do they have an inclining as to what they will do once they are laid off. This article will help set our minds at ease and plan in case of an impending unemployment state.

So, how do you deal with unemployment anxiety?

1. Are you indispensable?


Are you of absolute necessity that the company have no choice but to retain and keep you onboard? It means you have put in so much time and effort that the company has come to rely on your expertise. If this is the case, then your job is secured. If not, it’s okay too. You do not have to worry yourself silly. Instead, prepare for what may come.

2. Be ready for the new normal


Being unemployed is not the end of the world. If this is the case, then be ready to deal with it. Use your free time to develop yourself even as you wait patiently for the next opportunity to come. Go back to your abandoned projects and occupy your mind with them.

3. Acceptance and integration


Most times, we live in denial, refusing to see what predicament we are. But, the first step to recuperation is to accept your present state and work to make it better. So, accept, plan and integrate back into the system.

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4. Adjust your personal finance


If you do not know when your next paycheck will come in, then adjust your finance and lifestyle to suit your present situation, pending when things become as pleasant as they used to be. This means that you have to cut down on expenses and prioritize what is most important.

5. Be ready for the new roles


While some roles at different firms will be made redundant, new roles will also emerge. Are you prepared to occupy them? You can’t remain the same way you were at your company as employees will be seeking expert hands to help revive their companies to its full potential. Take advantage of online courses and programs with worthy certifications. Be prepared for anything.

6. The ‘live to work’ mentality


If you have been working to live, then, it’s time to live to work. Your work should not be bigger than your life, because when you lose it, your life might collapse with it. Your life should be of service, and a means to an end. Post-COVID 19 needs collective and creative imaginations, not just mindless workers.


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