campus tales

Tales On Campus: Myths And Fables That Will Keep You Hooked

Once upon a time, before the generation of Facebook, Instagram and Twitter…children gathered under the moonlight to hear tales told by elders of the land. It was called ‘Tales by Moonlight’.

It is not so different in Nigerian Universities even till date. When you get it in, especially in federal and state-owned universities, you will either have a first-class experience or be regaled with these astonishing stories.

It’s ‘Tales on Campus’ time!

1. Man On Red


In one tale, he is a ghost. In another, he is a mere thief. But what every school that has supposedly experienced this myth, agrees upon, is that he wears a red robe with a cape and hood. He enters the girls’ hostel and steals their valuables at night. If a girl saw him and screamed, he’d disappear.

2. Miss Koikoi


The sound of her heels can be heard at night ‘Koi Koi’ as she walks around the school. No one has seen her, but some would swear to have heard her shoes at night.

3. Bush Baby


You can’t see it either. But a few who claim to have seen it, say it looks like half baby and half cat. It cries like a baby and hides in bushes at night.

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4. Clementus


Once upon a time, a thief was caught on campus ground. His name happened to be Clementus. It became a household name for every other thief that came after him.

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5. April Fool


One of the scariest of days. April Fool used to be taken seriously with high-class pranks being pulled on students. On April first, never believe anything you’re told.

6. Fraternities


The tales revolved around scuffles with fraternity members and Anti-cult groups, security personnel in the person of students, carrying pump assault rifles. Students are advised to stay away and not attract their attention because it could result in spell-bound doom.

7. Full-time Impersonator


Did you know that there are students who are attending classes, taking a test for others and are not even part of the academic system? They run around campus making off students/clients until they’re caught.

8. Ewu, Jambito


If you were lucky, powder alone would be poured on you, while you dance around with other freshers on campus as though you were being initiated. The unlucky ones get dirty, muddy water, bad soup, all dumped over their head, in the name of celebrating your matriculation into the university.

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