school break

10 Reasons Why Some Students Don’t Like School Breaks

School Breaks are fun, aren’t they? Whether it’s Christmas break, end of a session, ASUU strike or government-imposed lockdown, as long as you’re going back home, it’s going to be fun!

But not all students agree with these norms. Sometimes they embrace and long for it, other times; they wish they could stay back in school and not have to face mummy and daddy with all their ‘drama’.

Let’s see some of the reasons students dread a school break;

1. You become the errand boy/girl.


Mamas will be like… “Ngozi, go to the market and collect Agbalumo, then you will go to Mama Jude store, the shop beside her has my wristwatch for one week now. Collect it. Make sure it’s working o. Then, you will go to Sule’s shop and ask him to give you old yam, not bitter new yam o. The remaining change, use it to buy matches when you’re returning. Why are you looking at me like that?”

2. Automatic Curfew.


“Where are you going? When are you coming back?” Or “Where are you coming from by this time of the night?”. Then daddy might add his, “Not in my house!” Ogbeni, follow the house rules before sorry becomes your case.

3. Healthy meal dieting begins.


Your days of Pure Heaven wine and short-bread biscuit are cut short. That buying of a burger every day has to stop. Mama is here to instil discipline and proper dieting, which is good news for your health, anyway.

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4. When are you bringing your boyfriend home?


Imagine your parents sounding like mosquitoes singing off-key, always haranguing you and asking when you are bringing your spouse. “Don’t you know you’re getting old? Your mates already have grandkids.”

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5. Privacy, gone with the wind.


Do you think you have a room? Even when it’s locked, Mama will come shouting and warning never to close that door in her own house. “Or is there something you’re hiding, Chukwudi?”

6. Siblings booing because you thought you were mature.


You want them to respect you and realise you are an adult. But your siblings have other designs, laughing and making jest of how ridiculous you sound.

7. Prepping you for the future.


You hear words like, ‘Don’t you know a woman is supposed to be up by 5:00 am preparing a meal for her family?’

8. What is mine is yours?


Do you have that one sibling who raids your wardrobe and takes whatever they feel like? They take a picture with your new outfit and post it on Instagram before you get a chance to wear it.

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