
Who Said Self-Isolation Had To be Boring? See Trending #Challenges On Social Media

Those weeks spent in self-isolation, and by force quarantine, social media began bursting with different challenges. What do you expect from people with lots of time in their hands? For the self- isolation not to be boring and tedious, different challenges began to trend.

Do you want to see some?

● #Don’tRush Challenge

The ladies are not playing at all. In this challenge, a lady presents her face bear, but with one brush of her camera screen with whatever she’s holding at the time(usually her makeup brush), her face suddenly shows in flawless makeup, then she passes the brush to the next slay queen. Watch one of the videos and see for yourself. Nigerians are doing it, so are other countries too—what a way to kill boredom.

● #SomethingNew Challenge

It’s simple. You and your family members form a straight line and get to have their turn in a simple choreography. You move your right elbow to the back, then your left elbow, shake your body, clap once and jump out of line for the next person. Of course, some people added their freestyle.

● #FlipTheSwitch Challenge

This is as hilarious as it’s much fun—a male and female of different shape and size, dance. Then a switch is flipped, and their outfits are switched. Even the males’ dance step has to be like females. You will be laughing off your chair for some compilation.

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● #BopDaddy Challenge

Our very own FalzTheBadGuy started this.
It was a dance challenge where a winner is picked from any duo who can nail the BopDaddy dance.

● EdisonGoldenBears Challenge

So, you start by dropping something, it falls on the next person in the following video, the person drops what she’s holding, and it falls on the next and so on.

● #10Touch Challenge

Even DjCuppy took part in this. It is the toilet roll keepie uppies. This is how some sports stars and some other persons spent the coronavirus lockdown. Sweet!

● #Nobody Challenge

The song by DJ Neptunes, JoeBoy and Mr Eazi titled ‘Nobody’ has become a fun challenge for families, with an exciting choreographed dance step. Show your skills as a family. Who danced it best?

Which other social media challenges do you find to be fun and engaging in the lockdown season?


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