
Summer body 2020? Here are some exercises to help you get it

Aside from health complications, almost everyone agrees that obesity is not flattering. To the list that hinders the perfect summer body, you can add flabby arms, potbelly and other unpleasant body shapes.

Nowadays, you don’t have to raise millions of naira or travel out of the country to get buttocks or breast enlargement or transferring of belly fat to the buttocks by surgical methods. We now have doctors in Nigeria doing these procedures for cheaper rates.

While we are not advertising these methods, there are healthier and cheaper ways to go about toning every inch of your body. With the help of Healthline, we have been able to stick to the basics.
So, what’s it going to be? You wanna try them out?

1. Lunges

Lunges encourage balanced movement while also strengthening the legs and glutes energy. Start by standing apart with your feet shoulder-width and arms down on your sides.

2. Glute Bridge

The glute bridge works effectively with your whole rear chain, giving your shape and booty that lovely edge. Begin by lying with your knees bent on the floor, feet flat on the ground, and arms straight on your sides with your palms facing down.

3. Squats

What squats do is to increase your lower body and core strength, as well as your lower back and hip flexibility. As they tend to clench the muscles while exercising, it has been very useful in burning calories. Start by standing straight, with your feet slightly wider apart than the width of your neck and your arms at your sides.

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4. Overhead Dumbbell Press

Not only is an overhead dumbbell press one of the best exercises you can do for the hands, it also includes the upper back and neck. Choose a light set of dumbbells to start with, preferably around 10 pounds and either stand apart or staggered with your feet shoulder-width.

5. Bent-Over Dumbbell Rows

Not only will these make your back look good in that dress, dumbbell rows are yet another complex movement that strengthens the upper body’s multiple muscles. Don’t forget to start with a 10-pound dumbbell, do not let these muscle-ripped men scare you away.

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6. Situps

Haha. Here is a very familiar one. Situps are an easy way to focus the abdominal muscles. Begin by lying on your back on the ground with your knees bent, your feet flat and your hands behind your head.

7. Side planks

Do not shun a move like this as a healthy body needs to have a strong core at its foundation.

8. Single-leg deadlifts

With a light dumbbell, you help your balance, lower, back, hamstrings and glutes.

9. Pushups

We see it all the time, but don’t necessarily do it. But, according to Healthline, push-ups use your body weight as resistance, working your upper body and core at the same time.

10. Burpees

Burpees are a super-effective whole-body move that provides excellent bang for cardiovascular endurance and muscle strength for your buck.

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