NYSC Corpers

What The NYSC Allowance Increment Means To Different People

After multiple speculations and rumours, it was officially announced last month, that the NYSC allowance (popularly known as ‘allawee’), has formally been increased to N33,000, in line with the implementation of the new national minimum wage.

Talk about some right motivation for intending and current serving corps members to obey the clarion call.

However, this allowance increment means different things to different people, as we’ve outlined below:

Current corps members have a good reason to celebrate.


Money is always the perfect mood lifter.

Some ex-corps members are shocked and disappointed.


Imagine thinking the allowance increment would occur during your tenure, only for it to happen in the next batch.

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Recent graduates have some extra motivation.


They’re going to enjoy this a little more than those who are already part of the scheme. Talk about luck.

Prudent corps members get to increase their savings.


We love to see it.

And the not-so prudent ones get to increase their spendings.


More reasons to flex and chop life.

Lagging corps members are going to sit up.


Only wise people know that this increment means the rules are going to get stricter. The days of dodging clearance and CDS are over. Expect ghost corpers to start reappearing.

NYSC officials are going to get stricter.


Do you think you can break the rules and still get your 33k? You must be joking, my dear.

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Corps members singing the anthem:


Serving your nation and obeying the clarion call definitely feels different with some more money in your account.

So, what are your thoughts about the announced allowance increment?

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