
How To Detect If You Are In A Situationship

Tega was happy walking into the lecture hall holding hands with her best friend, Taju. This was no situationship. He must love her so much, she thought.

He whispered into her ears, causing her to giggle. In public! I mean, if this public display of affection wasn’t love, what else could it be? She wondered as she smiled, beaming from ear to ear.

“Hey, guys.” Taju shook hands with two new guys in the department. “Meet my homey. She’s one of the guys, mehn. The best!”

Okay, so, that wasn’t the kind of introduction she wanted, but who cares? He is definitely in love with her, isn’t he?

Unless you live under a rock or are completely off social media, you must have heard of the word ‘situationship’.

It is a term used to describe a relationship that is not defined. This is not limited to only couples but other non-committal relationships that are directionless such as is mentioned below.

Are you ready to find out situations that guarantee one is in a situationship?

1. You have no title


When you ask this kind if they are in a relationship, their responses and usually that they are taking things slow and not quite there yet. When will you be there?

2. You don’t go on dates anymore


Back in the day and up until now, taking one out on a date can identify your interest in a person. But people in a situationship don’t do that anymore. She comes around to your dorm, to hang out with the ‘guys’. You accompany her to the beauty salon, but you never go out on dates, and it’s not because you’re saving money.

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3. Discussing the future is out of bounds


We can talk about anything under the surface of the earth, but topics around relationship goals are off-limits. Not just intimate relationships but also with business partners who are not interested in discussing the future further.

4. You make decisions without them

via GIPHYYou don’t share your plans with them until they find out later or you tell them in passing after it has been done. You do not factor them in matters that pertain to your future. Humph! Situationship alert.

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5. You do not have pictures together


Social media is all the rave right now; photos are posted daily on Instagram, Facebook and Whatsapp status. You put up his picture on his birthday, but you dare not put a picture of the two of you together so that you don’t give people a reason to ask questions.

6. They show you that they are not serious about you


It’s quite glaring. They tell you they don’t want to commit or be serious, but you’re still hoping they’d come around.

7. You are bored


You have nothing more to say to each other. Going out feels like a tedious task. It looks like you’d be avoiding each other’s call very soon. Honey, you are in a situationship.


Do you think Tega is in a situationship? Let’s have your opinion.

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