Picture Moments and Their Not-So-True Meanings

When you go through school websites and brochures, you often come across different pictures of students in different poses, smiling and looking radiant, bursting with life. 

However, this doesn’t always depict reality. We decided to take some cool student photos online and give them witty and sarcastic captions that could actually depict how they feel.

P.S: We’re just trying to be witty here, University isn’t so bad ?

Check them out: 

Lady taking a selfie at the library

‘I’m at the library even though I’d rather be curled up in bed, eating cake and on Netflix. Let me just send this quick selfie to Dad and Mum on WhatsApp to show that I’m not wasting their money. Yay! I love studying and reading books! ?’ 

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Lady on her way to class


‘On my way to class for a lecture! I’m five minutes late and i hope the lecturer doesn’t send me out. I snoozed my alarm clock five times before I finally woke up but at least I got up, right? Another exciting day to enjoy the joys of learning!’ 

Old man on his graduation from University

‘Hi guys, guess what? I’m 22 years old! The reason I’ve got grey hair is because of all the stress and exhaustion I’ve been through. At least I still look handsome and I bagged my degree!’ 

Two friends hugging each other at graduation

‘We made it, bro! Haters thought it would end in tears because we were always playing FIFA at night and arguing about our favourite footballers. Haq haq haq’ 

University student looking at his phone in front of a building

‘I’m about to text my dad to tell him I’m dropping out of school to pursue my dream of becoming a rapper. Wish me luck, guys.’

Do you have funnier captions for these photos? Share them with us!


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