Can You Feel The Harmattan Just Yet?

During Harmattan in Nigeria, some places have it worse than others. If you live in areas with a lot of sand, then you are in for a lot of dry sandy ride. When you meet someone with dark hair and eyebrows take a bike ride out of place like Matogun, in Ogun State, during harmattan, you will understand. What was once black would suddenly look sandy. Hair, eyebrows, beards and even eyelashes would change colour. Your friend from Ogun State could be looking like someone from ancient Namibia. LOL.

There are worse effects brought about by the harmattan. The season is characterised by cold weather early in the morning and night, low humidity, and dust particles suspended in the air, blue cloudless sky and drought caused by the absence of rainfall. There are measures we need to take during times like these to prevent hazards and health issues.

Let’s list a few, shall we?

1. Stay Hydrated

Because of the dry weather, it is common to be dehydrated most times. So, drink a lot of water (no carbonated drinks). Take up to 1.5 litres of water every day to keep your body hydrated.

2. Protect your eyes

The harmattan haze with arid, dusty wind blows and gets into the eyes, reducing visibility due to high concentration of dust particles. It can cause itching and redness. Proper eye hygiene includes washing with clean water, reduced exposure to dust and protective spectacles.

3. Prevent Fire Outbreak

Fire in such time tends to spread fast and wildly due to the wind and dryness of the weather. Do not burn dirt close to the house or any building at all. Putting out fire influenced by harmattan can prove difficult as the damage might have been done before help comes in full.

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4. Adjust your outfits

The weather can be sweltering in the afternoons, and all you want to do is take them all off. But going to bed with that same mindset can cause you to wake up with a cold because in harmattan the mornings become cold. So, put on light clothes at noon and warm clothes to bed.

5. Moisturise

Rub a moisturising cream. It is that simple. Dry weather results in dry skin. Keep a lip balm handy to prevent patched lips.

6. Avoid dusty areas

Don’t go walking into highly dusty areas. It can result in respiratory tract infection and the like. For asthmatic patients, the dusty winds of harmattan can trigger attacks. If it cannot be avoided, wear a nose/face mask.

How strong is the harmattan in your area? Let’s have your feedback.

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