What Are People Wearing These Days?

The beautiful thing about fashion is its ability to evolve. Take the ‘Mom Jeans’ for example; it used to be one of the clothing we called vintage, being that it has existed for over two decades, only to circulate and come back into fashion for both the young and the old.

Then we have the totally ‘out the blues’ fashion trends, they come in and shake the town, sending fashion lovers in and out of boutiques and stores.
Are you fashion inclined and won’t like to be left behind? What kind of fashion sense appeals to you?

Let’s take a quick stroll downtown and see what others are wearing.

1. Waist wide-leg pants

Source: shopakira.com

From paper bag waist pants to linen blend pants, these pants are being worn to work, corporate events and casual outings. You too can join this fashion trend.

2. Palazzos

Source: ebay.com

Just like the wide-leg pants, palazzos are wide free pants worn almost anywhere. They tend to be more casual though, compared to waist wide-leg pants. They’ve been trending for a long time coming and are still topping the charts.

3. Beard gang

Source: Pinterest.com

Do you think you can join the gang of men wearing full beards and be proud of it? It’s been on for a while now, that they now have their special day. Oh yes, guys, there is a ‘World Beard Day’ and it was celebrated September 7th, 2019. That thing must itch!

4. Frontal Wigs

Source: hairmarketers.com

If you’re tired of running to the hairdresser’s salon every month and want to save some money, you can join the wig crew. And not just wig, wigs with frontals that makes the front of your hair look real and beautiful. Frontal wigs are how big girls roll nowadays.

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5. Sling bags

Source: amazon.com

The ladies can go ahead and enjoy their waist pouches. Here is something for the guys too. The small bag is slung over their shoulders and rest on the back. It was spotted on Davido on one of his music videos. Haha, I see that gets your attention.

6. Sneakers

Source: jumia.com.ng

Ladies and gents! More colourful sneakers are flooding the market and both males and females are buying them off the rack. They look chic and cool. You too can join the swaggalicious gang.

7. Dyed and Low-Cut Hair

Source: colouredwriters.com

Source: Men’s hairstyle today

Give it up for the African Queens and Kings, who are rocking it bold and beautiful. Do you think this look is for you? Try it out!

What do you think? Does anyone of the listed catch your fancy? Let’s know what you think?

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