How to keep track of your work accomplishments.

It’s so easy to get sucked into the ever-grinding world of work that you’ll most likely forget to keep track of all you’ve been able to accomplish through the course of your career.

However, keeping track of your accomplishments is very vital for several reasons:

  • Updating your resume when exploring other employment opportunities
  • Making a valid case for a promotion or raise,
  • Excelling in your appraisals/ performance reviews and even interviews for your next job and so much more.

What you should track:

Your new skills: You must acquire new and relevant competencies through the course of your career. As you learn and hone these skills, take note of them and update your resume´ and LinkedIn profile.

Awards and recognition: You should take note of your awards ranging from the seemingly little ones like Employee of the Month/Year to significant awards in your industry.

Certifications: Learn to keep a close eye on your certifications (e.g. PHRi, ACCA, ICAN, CIPM, etc.). Take note of the dates they were received and highlight the credibility of such certifications. Your certificates should be uploaded on the cloud/ drive so you can access them anytime, anywhere.

Tasks and projects: What are the tasks and projects you have completed? Take note of them. Were you part of a team that successfully pitched a campaign idea to a client? Take note of it and add it to your resume ́. Did you lead a team to complete a project? Record it and update resume ́.

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How to Track Your Accomplishments:

While you might not be able to add all your accomplishments to your resume´ immediately, you must find a way to track all your achievements and keep a record of them until you can put them on your resume ́. Also, since these accomplishments and tasks happen at different times and stages, it’s vital to ensure that you don’t forget any of them. These are the different ways to keep track of your work:

a. Online folders: We’re in a tech-focused world, with more accessible options of documenting everything. iCloud, OneDrive, DropBox and others, for instance, allows you to store and record all your accomplishments that are accessible at all times.

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b. Journaling: One of the best ways to keep track is by putting everything down in black and white. Have a written or digital journal (whichever works best for you) where you record all your accomplishments.

c. Draft documents: Take notes of all your tasks and accomplishments in a very detailed list. You can keep this list in the Notes app on your phone or a Word document on your computer. Think of it as a resume ́draft.

d. Voice recording: If you prefer doing vocal documentation, that’s a good option too. All smartphones have voice recording apps that you can take advantage of. Take voice notes of all your accomplishments and tasks as often as you can. After doing this, you can proceed to put them down in a written document after.

Once you make a habit of documenting all your accomplishments, accessing and tracking everything you’ve done will become much more manageable.

What is your preferred method of documenting your accomplishments at work? You can share with us in the comments section below!

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