As excitement and euphoria fill the air, a lot of movie/series lovers are under suspense; while impatiently waiting for the final season of Game Of Thrones, premiering on April 14, 2019.
Have you watched GOT season 1-7? Are you aware the wall is down, and the army of the dead are already matching through? Do you know Daenerys Targaryen lost a dragon to the army of the dead? Do you also know Jon Snow is not a Stark after all? He’s a Targaryen!
Plus, have you seen the trailer for the season 8, the last season of Game of Thrones? Just breathe, no hyperventilating over this. If you aren’t updated yet, go get up to speed before the rest of the fun comes to play.
Spoiler alert!!!
Based on the report from Entertainment Weekly, the new and final season will kick off from Winterfell where Jon Snow gathers his army in preparation to fight the night king, and Daenerys brings her army to join him. Jamie Lannister is also making his way to the north, but what we do not know, is if he would make it.
For those of us watching, we already know Jon Snow bent a knee to the Mother of Dragons. But Sansa Stark finding out? Of course, she won’t be pleased. And with her brother(or so she thought) gone to fight a war, she finally gets her opportunity to rule and oversee the affairs of Winterfell.
Hmm…the Lady of Winterfell, Arya Stark, would always tease with that name. Meanwhile, will she bend a knee when she comes face to face with Daenerys? We shall see…
Is Arya Stark’s death truly “April Fool”???
Speaking of our favourite youngster and her tiny pointy dangerous sword, Needle. That young lady has dazzled fans as she grows older in the series. Now she pulled an ‘April Fool’ stunt on TV, saying she was killed.

Arya Stark of Winterfell
Ptoto Credit:
Though she recounted her story and said it was a stunt, one can’t help but wonder if her character truly dies. It will surely be sad to see her go. What we do know though, clarified by William, is that we are going to be seeing a whole lot of Arya showdown as key players are reducing.
The season is going to be sooo intriguing! Don’t sleep on it!
What are your predictions for the upcoming season of GoT? Let’s discuss in the comments section
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