Hey! Have you made a new year’s resolution yet?

It’s the second week of the year – have you made any resolutions yet? Resolutions are a guide to shape an individual into what they’d like to become. Resolutions can be made at any time of the year, but you should also make conscious efforts to achieve them.

It’s possible that last year, you set goals, made resolutions and penned down actionable timelines for most of your projects. But at some point in the year, you realized that you couldn’t achieve all the goals you set due to certain things that somehow took you off track.

Now that a new year has begun, rather than hurrying off to make new resolutions and set new goals, you should re-evaluate your former goals, especially the ones you weren’t able to attain, and re-strategize.


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To get a heads-up on your resolutions, endeavor to set SMART goals. By SMART, your goals should be specific, measurable, achievable, realistic and timebound. For instance, one of your goals can be “I want to read 100 books in 2019”. This goal is clearly defined, so it’s specific. You need to, however, put in measures to help you achieve the goal. Depending on your schedule, you could read 3 books in 10 days and you should always get it documented. If you’re consistent with this, you will definitely achieve this goal. Amazing, right?

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Great minds didn’t just become great, they earned it. They knew where they were headed and made plans towards it. It’s not enough to write down your goals, you should strive to take deliberate steps to achieve them one after the other. You’d be amazed at the heights you’d attain if you’re consistent. The bulk of the work lies with you.

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