Recruiting fresh graduates

Skill set employers look out for when recruiting fresh graduates

Employers, when conducting interviews on job openings for fresh graduates, look out for a couple of skills. Even though they are aware that these graduates don’t have any experience before, there are some certain workplace skills they look out for when recruiting fresh graduates.

So, to help you navigate your journey through the world of work and present you as the best fit for the job, we have listed some skills that you should possess below. Have a look!

1. Teamwork – Collaboration is key in the workplace. No matter what you think you know, you need to learn to work with others strategically to achieve the set goal. Be a team player!

2. Work with little supervision – Being able to work with little supervision is a good quality every employer watches out for and you should imbibe it. It shows how accountable and professional you are.

3. Good oral and communication skills – Employers want to have someone with delectable written and spoken skill on their team. So, endeavour to improve on these areas, too, to help you have an edge.

4. Great Interpersonal Skills – When you land yourself a new job, you will get to work with people of different backgrounds and beliefs. So, it is important that you treat your colleagues with respect and courtesy.

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5. Proficient with basic computer software programmes – In corporate organisations, it is requisite for applicants to be able to work well with Microsoft office tools like Microsoft Excel, PowerPoint and Microsoft Word. If you don’t have this skill set, it wouldn’t hurt to start familiarizing yourself with them.

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6. Problem Solving – Your employer will be more impressed with your work if you are able to think on your feet and provide the strategic solution when there is any form of trouble at work. Be a problem solver!

7. Time Management – Employers like effective time managers. So, try to create a good impression by first, being punctual for an interview. And if you get the job, learn to prioritize.

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