9 Businesses that will be working at your wedding

Weddings are a thing of bliss, a joyous moment… and let’s not forget the turn up which Nigerian weddings are famous for. For your wedding to pop and turnt, you’ll need to engage the services of a number of business vendors, including:

Flowers at weddings show beauty, chastity and fertility. They are everywhere and beautifies the hall; of course, the bride will be holding a bouquet. Guess who provides them? Yap, you’re right! The Florist.

Frankly, “chow” is why most of the guests showed up. Yeah, yeah, they came to celebrate with the couple, but we all know a wedding without food will have all its guests head home fast. Caterers are responsible for the food, offering delicious meals to keep guests happy and bonding.

Event planners
Event planners are essential to the overall success of your wedding. They envision, design and execute everything needed to make your dream wedding come through, easing the stress on the couple and their families. Pheeew! Thank God.

Set designers
When you arrive at the venue and find everywhere is looking lit and beautiful, you can tell what people’s perception of your wedding will be.  The set designer builds the couple’s throne and has all guests wowed with grandeur. These guys are bae.J

Sound/Light Engineers
Well, we can’t have a wedding in darkness, without music and no mic, can we? These guys bring their able squad to get us all in the right mood.
Ushering Service
We need things to be done orderly, so it’s a good thing we have the ushers to guide everyone to their tables and be served those tasty dishes. We can’t afford a disorderly wedding.
 The ushers also help the guest with quick information.

These guys keep the order of program while also entertaining us. All those rib cracking jokes flow out of their ever-running mouth, keeping us lively and full of fun.

We can’t let a wedding pass without capturing memories. These guys help make the memory last forever through photos and videos. They print those heavy photobooks our kids and grandkids will swipe many years from now.

Makeup Artist/Stylists
These are the bride’s best friends! These gurus make all the serving ladies – bridesmaids and brides look astonishing on that day. Whatever look or colour theme you’re going for, these guys make sure the ladies look on point!

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