Reasons why you should reduce your sugar intake.

Sugar might be sweet, but too much of it is harmful to your body. It can be addictive and should be taken in very regulated quantity. Here are some reasons why consuming excess sugar is not advisable. (Source

  1. It spoils your teeth: Many people suffer from toothaches from sweet foods as the tooth gradually decays when you consume too much sugar.
  2. It complicates digestion: High sugar consumption increases the chance of digestive complications, as well as makes your stomach look puffy and bloated.
  3. Leading cause of obesity: Sugar is heavily linked to obesity, as it is highly addictive and filled with bad calories leading to increases in body weight.
  4. Increases risk of diabetes: Excess sugar plays a big role in diabetes. It doesn’t necessarily cause diabetes but makes you put on weight which increases your chance of getting diabetes.
  5. It disturbs your sleep: Sugar can interfere with your sleep. Eating a diet high in sugar and eating irregularly can cause a reaction in the body that triggers a part of the nervous system causing insomnia.

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