How to fit right in your PPA after NYSC camp

The NYSC camp experience is always different from the one at your Primary Place of Assignment (PPA). It is important to adjust to the new setting on time so as to make the most of your service year. We have some tips on how to fit right in your PPA after camp.

Socialize with corps members from the previous batches

Make friends and relate with the Corpers in the batches before you. They’ve been there and they know how things run. Their advice will help you get settled in quicker and also give you the upper hand when relating to the locals.

Join a CDS group of your interest.

It is compulsory that you join a CDS group anyways, so ensure you join one that aligns with your interest.

Live in or frequent Corpers’ lodge/family house (optional)

Living in a Corpers lodge is fun because you get to stay with your fellow corps members and explore the city together.

Take up a post of responsibility at your PPA/CDS group

Elevate your status amongst the fellow corps members by taking up responsibility. Become the Corpers’ Liaison Officer (CLO) at your PPA or the President of Emergency Management Vanguard (EMV) at your CDS group etc.

Really serve

Nigeria truly needs your service. There are hundreds of schools and organizations where your presence will mean so much to them. It is a blessing to know you left a legacy in any community you’ve been opportune to officiate.

Enjoy your service year!

Many Corpers refuse to enjoy their service year. Few months after POP, they begin to reminisce, wishing they could go back. Yeah! It happens. Don’t hold anything back, you can’t serve twice. So, whatever NYSC throws at you, selflessly take charge and make it one of the best experiences of your life!


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