Simple home remedies for taking care of catarrh

Catarrhs and runny nose are the worst, as blowing out mucus every other minute can really be a downer. When accompanied by sneezing, sore throat and cough, it’s just annoying, right?

What if we tell you that there are some simple ways to curb these irritating symptoms at home? Read them below:

  • Inhale steam

Boil some water and put it in a bowl. Put a towel over your head while you deeply inhale the steam of the hot water, which will ease up the mucus in your nose and throat. You can also apply menthol for a speedy remedy.

  • Raw honey and lemon

Honey and lemon have components and nutrients that soothe congestion in the throat. Mix 2 tablespoons of raw honey with half a lemon juice. Sip all day and you will begin to notice some differences. You can also add warm water for a stronger soothing effect.

  • Gargle salt

This age-old remedy has proven effective since the earliest generations in India. Just add a teaspoon of salt to a small amount of lukewarm water and gargle.

  • Ginger

Cut ginger into small pieces and chew on them. You can dip it in salt or honey for faster effect. The extracted juices of the ginger help fight cough, cold and sore throat.

Sources: Vanguard, Times of India, Wikihow.

These home remedies are to ease nasal congestion and doesn’t promise 100% relief. Seek medical consultation and visit your physician if discomfort continues.


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