Did you know that these simple tricks can help cure hiccups?

Ever had those annoying hiccups that last for hours and just won’t go away?


Fun fact: Hiccups are caused by things like eating too fast, drinking too much, abdominal surgery. (Source: MedicineNet)
We have some tips below that can help get rid of annoying hiccups:

  • Drink a glass of water: There are many techniques to drinking water that can help cure hiccups such as drinking water with a straw – you’ll have to pull harder with your diaphragm to suck up the water which helps cure the hiccups. Gargling your water also helps.
  • Stick out your tongue: Sticking out your tongue as long as possible for about 15 seconds can be useful in getting rid of hiccups.
  •  Breathe into a paper bag: Breathing in and out of a paper bag can also work in curing hiccups.
  •  Do some quick cardiovascular exercises: Exercises like jumping, skipping, running etc. also help to subside hiccups.

Now that you know how to cure them, go take care of those hiccups and don’t forget to share this post with a friend who needs it 
Source: Wikihow

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