5 types of students you’d meet in the exam hall

Exam period in school is a time where all the fun-filled days come to a halt. Things get real as soon as exam timetable comes out and when exams start, you’re surely bound to meet these different types of students in the exam hall.
1. The latecomers: they always have one excuse or the other for coming late to the exam hall.


2. The ones that just came to cheat: Giraffes, dubbing, scrunchers etc. are some of the other names they’re known by.


3. The extra sheet merchants: These ones can write for Africa and there’s no exam where they won’t ask for extra sheets.


4. The first to leave the exam hall: These ones are done 15 minutes into the exam


5. The ones that don’t leave until the time is up: these are the ones that run after the exam supervisor to submit because they didn’t submit when the time was up.


Which of these types of students are you in the exam hall, Flexxer?

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