5 simple and tested strategies to coping with stage fright

Stage fright is a common phobia for many people, just the thought of standing in front of a crowd ora group of people to speak can give them the quite the scare. Got that career defining presentation or speech and you’re nervous about handling it? Here are some remedies to conquer stage fright.

  1. Breathe: As basic as this might sound, it actually helps a lot. Don’t do just your regular unconscious breathing, but being aware of your breathing and balancing your breath. this helps you have some control over your body, it reduces your anxiety.
  2. Think of it as a skill: Instead of overruling yourself as a public speaker, you need to teach yourself that its an acquired skill instead of looking at it as a talent, seeing it as a talent would demoralize you and make you that you’re not born for it, whereas all you have to do is make a conscious decision to rehearse and practice.
  3. Be yourself: There is no need carrying a different personality to the stage, it will make you over think things, it just complicates things and adds more pressure on you. Own your personality on stage
  4. Eye contact: Make a conscious decision to look people in the eye, it boosts confidence and shows that you mean every word you’re saying.
  5. Facial expression: A smile goes a long way on stage, you have to act like you want to win them over. Whatever you’re trying to say has to be shown with an accurate expression on your face.


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